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Understanding The Holy Synod AP World History: A Key Moment in Russian Church History

The Holy Synod AP World History

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The Holy Synod AP World History is an important topic to understand when studying Russia’s past. It was a system created by Tsar Peter I in 1721 to control the Russian Orthodox Church. Instead of having a Patriarch as the head of the church, Peter I replaced the role with a group of church officials. This group, known as the Holy Synod, was made up of several representatives, all loyal to the Tsar. The Holy Synod gave Peter total power over the church and made it a tool of the state.

The Creation of the Holy Synod AP World History

The Holy Synod was created in 1721 by Tsar Peter I of Russia to bring the Russian Orthodox Church under his control. Before this, the church was led by a Patriarch, a religious leader who had great power in Russia. Tsar Peter I didn’t like this because he believed that the church should be under the authority of the state. So, instead of having a Patriarch, Peter formed the Synod—a group of church leaders who answered directly to him.

This move was part of Peter’s larger goal to modernize Russia and bring it in line with Western Europe. By controlling the church, Peter made sure that religion supported his rule. The Holy Synod became a tool for the government, and it followed Peter’s instructions without question. This was a major shift in how religion was practiced in Russia, and it would have long-lasting effects on the country’s history.

How the Holy Synod Changed the Russian Orthodox Church

Before Peter I’s reform, the Russian Orthodox Church was an independent body with its own leader, the Patriarch. The Patriarch had a lot of influence and power, especially in religious matters. But with the creation of the Holy Synod, the church’s independence was removed. Instead, the Synod worked directly under the control of the Tsar, who had the final say on all matters.

The Holy Synod’s Influence on Russian Society and Politics

The Holy Synod gave Tsar Peter I a powerful tool to control Russian society. Since the church had so much influence over the people, by controlling the Synod, Peter controlled what people believed and how they lived. The church was expected to support the Tsar’s policies, and it often did.

Peter also used the church’s wealth for state purposes. The Synod allowed Peter to take land and property from the church and use it to fund his wars and other government projects. This helped Peter strengthen his power, but it also made the church’s position weaker in society. Instead of guiding the people spiritually, the church became an arm of the government.

The Holy Synod’s Lasting Legacy in AP World History

The Holy Synod continued to exist until the Russian Revolution of 1917. During this time, the Synod had significant influence over the church and Russian politics. However, after the revolution, the new Soviet government took control of all church property, including land and wealth, and the Synod was no longer needed. The Patriarchate of Moscow was briefly restored, but it too fell under state control.

How the Holy Synod Affected the Russian Orthodox Church’s Role in Society

The Holy Synod’s creation had a significant impact on how the Russian Orthodox Church functioned in society. Before Peter I’s reform, the church was seen as a separate and independent institution with its own leadership, free to guide and influence the Russian people in religious matters. However, after the Synod was established, the church’s role shifted. It became an arm of the government, helping Peter enforce his policies and control the population.

The Holy Synod and Its Long-Term Impact on Russian History

The Holy Synod’s influence was felt long after Tsar Peter I’s reign. Although the Synod was dissolved during the Russian Revolution in 1917, its creation marked a turning point in the relationship between the church and the state. By making the church a tool of the government, Peter I set a precedent for future Russian rulers, who continued to control religious institutions for political gain.


The creation of the Holy Synod by Tsar Peter I in 1721 was a major turning point in Russian history. By bringing the Russian Orthodox Church under state control, Peter I was able to ensure that the church supported his rule and helped him achieve his goals. This decision changed the way religion worked in Russia and helped the Tsar strengthen his power. While the Holy Synod no longer exists, its legacy is still a key part of understanding Russia’s history in AP World.


Q: What was the Holy Synod?
A: The Holy Synod was a governing body created by Tsar Peter I in 1721 to control the Russian Orthodox Church. It replaced the Patriarch and made the church answerable to the Tsar.

Q: Why did Tsar Peter I create the Holy Synod?
A: Tsar Peter I wanted to bring the church under his control to strengthen his rule and modernize Russia.

Q: Did the Holy Synod have any power?
A: The Holy Synod had power over church matters, but it answered directly to Tsar Peter I and followed his orders.

Q: What happened to the Holy Synod after the Russian Revolution?
A: After the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Soviet government took control of church property, and the Patriarchate of Moscow was briefly restored.

Q: How did the Holy Synod impact Russian society?
A: The Holy Synod helped Tsar Peter I control Russian society by making the church support the government and by using church resources for state purposes.

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